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AlgOps helps you across the whole commercial lifecycle

"These lists gave us a competitive advantage. Some of our prospects were even surprised that we found them with such a spot-on offer."

Zdenek Nemec
Co-founder, Superface
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Fill your pipeline

Generate useful target account lists

Get more qualified leads from outreach without wasting prospects with pointless offers

  • You lack qualified leads from outreach because campaigns are based on poor data

  • Getting compelling data manually is time consuming and automation is difficult and unreliable

  • Generate target account lists with pre-built data points for your company’s use cases

Fill your pipeline

Create datasets for account-based marketing

Run account-based marketing campaigns at scale without compromising targeting and content customization

  • ABM campaigns are expensive to build, maintain and run due difficult scalability

  • Scaling ABM campaigns require extensive data for targeting and customization

  • Get datasets for targeting and content customization of your ABM campaigns

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Close more deals

Collect insights for demos, meetings, and proposals

Move deals onward with on point demos, meetings, and proposals without wasting time on additional research

  • Asking about visible insights and poor preparation for meetings and proposals harms conversion rates

  • Required additional account research is time consuming and often underestimated as well

  • Automated insights discovery about companies and people after booked meeting or new status in pipeline

Close more deals

Research leads and users for nurturing

Increase activation rate with personalization without forcing people to fill your forms

  • Behavior-based sequences often lacks crucial context during initial stages.

  • Forms add unnecessary drop-off but taking care of each lead manually is costly or impossible at all.

  • Connect initial behavior with customer profile data to assign most relevant.

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Streamline sales cycle

Discover buying committees

Avoid redundant meetings with undiscovered decision makers without researching the whole company.

  • Incomplete buying committee leads to redundant meetings and lost of deal velocity, damaging win rates.

  • Exploring all potentially relevant people is lengthy while relying on your champions will make you vulnerable.

  • Find potential decision makers to evaluate their role and influence on buying process.

Streamline sales cycle

Find champions

Close more deals faster by finding the influential insiders right from the beginning.

  • Bad or missing champions have one of the most negative impact on win probability and deal velocity

  • Champions identification requires regular screening of employees, advisors, stakeholders, etc...

  • Monitor related people to predict potential influence on your decision makers and sales cycle

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Turn churn into upsell

Monitor customers to prevent churn

Minimize churn risk from externally visible reasons without tasking your customer success team

  • Behavior-based churn prediction tools can't identify new company needs or decision makers

  • Regular check-ups with customers drains customer success' resources that can be used differently

  • Monitor indicators such as change of decision makers or strategy in related operations

Turn churn into upsell

Get signals for upsell and cross sell

Maximize average customer value by swift reactions to new opportunities among your customers

  • Generic intent signals don't work for specific use cases and features your product solves

  • Regular monitoring of changes in customers' potential needs is costly while relying on their proactivity is risky

  • Inspect customers to predict specific opportunities for upsell and cross-sell

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Book a call to see how we'll do it