100% ROI in 90 days, guaranteed!

Double your money in 3 months or get AlgOps for free until it does so

"I love that we can target only the relevant companies without wasting the first impression on prospects that are relevant for other use-cases we solve."

Petr Brzek
Co-founder & CEO, Langtail

Pricing plans


Fix one funnel issue, e.g. buying committe discovery or sourcing companies for outreach. 

$ 590
per month
Hotfix now
  • 1 use case

  • 10 data points

  • 10 000 accounts

  • GPT 3.5 or 4o Mini

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

Whole funnel

Fill your pipeline, close more deals, streamline sales cycle, and turn the churn it upell.

$ 1 890
per month
Optimize whole funnel
  • 5 use cases

  • 100 data points

  • 50 000 accounts

  • Any OpenAI, Anthropic, or Gemini model

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

Multiple funnels

Fix also e.g. channel sales funnel or second side of your B2B marketplace.

$ 3 490
per month
Fix multiple funnels
  • 10 use cases

  • 200 data points

  • 200 000 accounts

  • Any AI model (including open-source)

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

  • Custom API integrations

  • Data warehouses integrations


Fix one funnel issue, e.g. buying committe discovery or sourcing companies for outreach. 

$ 590
per month
Hotfix now
  • 1 use case

  • 10 data points

  • 10 000 accounts

  • GPT 3.5 or 4o Mini

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

Whole funnel

Fill your pipeline, close more deals, streamline sales cycle, and turn the churn it upell.

$ 1 890
per month
Optimize whole funnel
  • 5 use cases

  • 100 data points

  • 50 000 accounts

  • Any OpenAI, Anthropic, or Gemini model

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

Multiple funnels

Fix also e.g. channel sales funnel or second side of your B2B marketplace.

$ 3 490
per month
Fix multiple funnels
  • 10 use cases

  • 200 data points

  • 200 000 accounts

  • Any AI model (including open-source)

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

  • Custom API integrations

  • Data warehouses integrations


Fix one funnel issue, e.g. buying committe discovery or sourcing companies for outreach. 

$ 790
per month
Hotfix now
  • 1 use case

  • 10 data points

  • 10 000 accounts

  • GPT 3.5 or 4o Mini

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

Whole funnel

Fill your pipeline, close more deals, streamline sales cycle, and turn the churn it upell.

$ 2 090
per month
Optimize whole funnel
  • 5 use cases

  • 100 data points

  • 50 000 accounts

  • Any OpenAI, Anthropic, or Gemini model

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

Multiple funnels

Fix also e.g. channel sales funnel or second side of your B2B marketplace.

$ 3 690
per month
Fix multiple funnels
  • 10 use cases

  • 200 data points

  • 200 000 accounts

  • Any AI model (including open-source)

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

  • Custom API integrations

  • Data warehouses integrations


Fix one funnel issue, e.g. buying committe discovery or sourcing companies for outreach. 

$ 790
per month
Hotfix now
  • 1 use case

  • 10 data points

  • 10 000 accounts

  • GPT 3.5 or 4o Mini

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

Whole funnel

Fill your pipeline, close more deals, streamline sales cycle, and turn the churn it upell.

$ 2 090
per month
Optimize whole funnel
  • 5 use cases

  • 100 data points

  • 50 000 accounts

  • Any OpenAI, Anthropic, or Gemini model

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

Multiple funnels

Fix also e.g. channel sales funnel or second side of your B2B marketplace.

$ 3 690
per month
Fix multiple funnels
  • 10 use cases

  • 200 data points

  • 200 000 accounts

  • Any AI model (including open-source)

  • CRMs & Spreadsheets integrations

  • Sales Intelligence integrations

  • Sales engagement platforms integrations

  • Customer Data Platforms integrations

  • Custom API integrations

  • Data warehouses integrations

Need more?

Do you need volume or complementary services from our partners? Let us know.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is "use case", "data point", and "account"?

Account is a company or person. Data point is a characteristic or parameter of an account. Use case is a database of accounts with data points.

Imagine a spreadsheet. The sheet itself is the use-case. Rows are accounts and columns are data points.

Is AlgOps a service or tool?

It's a tool but it's set up for you by AlgOps team.

Can we make changes in time?

Absolutely! In fact, we suggest you improvements or new experiments each month.

What is the difference between AlgOps and Clay, or 6sense, Lusha, Zoominfo, etc.?

Clay is designed for outreach. AlgOps helps you with the whole funnel. You can't do advanced stuff in Clay because of its spreadsheet-based architecture. AlgOps and Clay share one thing though - ability to connect multiple data providers...

...6sense, Lusha, Zoominfo, BuiltWith and other sales intelligence won't allow you to connect 3rd party data. AlgOps allows you to connect any data you want via an API, including those from 6sense, Lusha, Zoominfo or others.

Speaking of versatility, AlgOps can also work with any AI and ML algorithms, including those created in house allowing data science teams develop their own models without worrying about integrations to sales and marketing tools etc.

How does your guarantee work?

ROI calculation is usually based on time saved since this is the most relatable metric we influence the most. I.e. we agree that we save you twice as much costs on your revenue operations than it's the investment in cooperation.

How quickly we will see the impact?

Customers that use AlgOps actively see the results within the first 30 days maximum.

Do you offer a free trial?

No, we commit ourselves to each customer, thus we want some commitment also from them.

What about data security, GDPR,...?

AlgOps works directly only with publicly available data. In case of emails, phone numbers, and other sensitive information, this is handled by 3rd party data providers such as email discovery services etc.

"I personally liked a lot that we’ve got useful and easy to implement instructions on how to use the data in outreach and that they were aligned with our overall acquisition strategy."

Leora Gorbunova
Sales manager, dream.jobs
Enriched, qualified, and segmented accounts for companies like...

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